- Why Give
- Reunion Giving
- Reunion Giving Totals - Class of 2005
Your Class Totals
GOAL: $2,600,000
0 0 donors
GOAL: 21%
Help Your Class Meet Its Giving Goal
Your Reunion Team
Giving Committee Chairs
Ms. Kathryn B. Crowe, AS
Mr. Chaitenya Razdan, COM
Ms. Katherine E. Shea, AS
Giving Committee
Mr. Christopher W. Anderson, ENG
Mrs. Whitney G. Athayde, AS
Mr. Eric P. Borzino, COM
Ms. Sarah Payne Brown, COM
Dr. Sean Carlton, Col
Mrs. Virginia F. Cocke, COM
Ms. Maria Del Rosario Cornejo, AS
Ms. Jessica Ellis Davies, AS
Ms. Mindy Longanecker Deranek, AS
Mr. Bryan J. Eckstein, ARC
Ms. Courtney C. Ellis, AS
Mr. Andrew D. Garrahan, AS
Mr. Philip A. Giampietro, COM
Mr. Christopher G. Greenwood, ED
Ms. Anne Loughlin Gresens, AS
Ms. Sarah Davis Grover, AS
Ms. Lauren E. Hackney, ARC
Ms. Erin F. Hall, AS
Kate Malay, AS
Ms. Elizabeth Inez Jefferson, AS
Ms. Kristen Janette Luck, ED
Ms. Erin L. Martyn, AS
Mr. Amin Mehr, ENG
Ms. Elizabeth Bradshaw Mikula, NUR
Mr. Peter M. Milligan, ENG
Ms. Shannon Mallory Montague, AS
Ms. Sarah Dickinson Morris, AS
Ms. Marisa R. Nelson, AS
Mr. Otis Nkrumah Ofori, AS
Ms. Carrie E. Pearson, AS
Mrs. Suzanne L. Perry, AS
Mr. Rezaur Rahman, ENG
Mr. Peter R. Skelly, Col
Mr. Craig D. Stevenson, COM
Mr. Kyle A. Sturgeon, ARC
Mr. Charles C. Thomas, COM
Mr. G. Calvert Thomas, COM
Ms. Robin S. Verstraete, AS
Ms. Rachel C. Vogus, AS
Ms. Yelin Li Wen, AS
Jaime B. Wisegarver, Esq., AS
Reunion Giving Totals - Class of 2005
Donor Honor Roll
College of Arts & Sciences
Mr. Brett Thomas Abner
Ms. Kristin Ann Abner
Mr. Jeffrey Douglas Adams
Mr. Joseph Christopher Adongay
Ms. Adrienne Marlena Brand Allen
Mr. Spencer Riley Allen
Mrs. Heidekarina Cannon-Cleven Almeida
Ms. Amanda Jean Alward
Mr. Jonathan Edward Ambler
Ms. Christina Marie Arenas
Ms. Denise Portney Armstrong
Dr. Jennifer Heather Austin
Keith Robert Bachmann, M.D.
Mr. Faraj Abdussalam Bader
Ms. Meaghan Elizabeth Bailey
Shannon Morris Banks
Mr. Casey Reeves Bannister
Mrs. Jennifer Flaherty Barblan
Ms. Lauren Rex Barkume
Ms. Christine Leane Barton Villhauer
Ms. Sara Klinepeter Bartz
Mr. Michael Stephen Bauer
Ms. Emily King Beck Benton
Mrs. Jennifer Haaga Berger
Mr. Alexander Patrick Berrang
Mr. Jordan Erin Berryhill
Mrs. Hallary Rouse Billingsley
Ms. Hanna Marie Bishop
Mr. Thomas Berry Bishop, Jr.
Mr. Brian Richard Blaemire
Mr. Gregory Davis Blair
Mrs. Virginia Anne Fraim Bosse
Mrs. Triste Marie Kaminski Bowden
Ms. Lindsey Haaser Braciale
Ms. Andrea Nicole Bradfield
Ms. Rachel Margaret Bradshaw
Dr. William Thomas Brand, III
Mr. Bradley Joseph Breece
Mrs. Caroline Hutcheson Bryan
Captain James Michael Buchanan, Jr.
Ms. Allison Kathleen Buchignani
Mr. Jonathan Matthew Byrne
Ms. Allison Kathleen Cabaniss
Mr. Scott Pieter Caputo
Ms. Anne Jacob Carrere
Mr. James Vincent Catano
Mr. William Steward Chichester III
Ms. Inken Marijke Chrisman
Mr. Jonathan Christmas
Mr. Walter Alexander Cochran
Ms. Erva Alicia Valona Cockfield
Mr. Andrew Podnek Cohan
Ms. Armita Schacht Cohen
Mr. Justin Craig Cohen
Mrs. Katherine Jerde Cole
Ms. Ragan Alexandria Collins
Mrs. Christina A. Williams Coombs
Mrs. Carolyn Schlicht Corbin
Mr. Matthew Ray Crookshank
Mr. Samuel Neil Crosby, Jr.
Ms. Kathryn Birdsong Crowe
Mr. Zachary David Crowe
Mr. Benjamin Niel Cullop
Mr. Andrew Jan D'huyvetter
Mrs. Debra Delancy Davis
Mr. Christopher John Desimone
Mrs. Elizabeth Blair O'Shanick DeSimone
Mrs. Alison Meredith Diebler
Ms. Kira Dietz Dillon
Mrs. Amy Duggins Din
Mr. Charles Sheppard Dinos
Mr. Fang Du
Ms. Christine Allison Duck
Ms. Amber Miriam Duffy
Mr. Byron Jesse Dunlap
Ms. Kimberly Anne Dylla
Mrs. Destinee L. D. Eakle
Mr. Patrick Wayne Edmunds
Ms. Kathleen Nessa Thornton Evans
Ms. Jamie Nicole Fabrizio
Mrs. Sasha C. Farmer
Captain Timothy Dean Farwell
Ms. Lisa Monique Fennell
Ms. Leslie Williams Fisher
Mr. Maurice Scott Fisher, Jr.
Mr. Nicholas Garber Gamse
Ms. Ashleigh Haas Garcia
Ms. Jennifer Sue Germroth
Mr. Nigel Stuart Glenday
Ms. Shital Godhania
Ms. Lina Alexandra Gomez
Ms. Laura Marie Good
Mr. Christopher Michael Grado
Ms. Lauren Rachel Grass
Mrs. Arielle Myhre Greene
Dr. Daniel Phillip Greene
Mr. Gary Michael Gregory
Mr. Mark Thomas Gross
Mrs. Bridget Bradley Haimberger
Ms. Emily Murray Harbin
Mr. Dustin Edward Hardstock
LT Brian Michael Harrington
Mrs. Lindsay Addison Hauss
Mr. Jonathan Alban Havens
Ms. Elizabeth Busch Hermann
Mrs. Rebecca White Herndon
Mrs. Pamela Snow Hershberger
Ms. Margaret Howard Hill
Dr. Daniel Christian Hobbs
Ms. Leslie Schultz Hobbs
Mr. Jeremy Allen Holt
Ms. Susannah Bruce Hornsby
Mrs. Bridget Savannah Host
Mr. Ian Patrick Hutter
Ms. Jennifer C. Itzkoff
Mr. Om Madan Jahagirdar
Ms. Nrupa Amit Jani
Mr. Taylor Columbus Janney
Ms. Elizabeth Inez Jefferson
Mr. Brett Alan Jerasa
Mr. Adam Hassan Johnson
Dr. David Louis Jones
Mrs. Justine L. Jones
Mr. Naveed Kalantar
Mr. Jeffrey Lee Kamrath
Mr. Christopher Walter Karvetski
Mrs. Elizabeth T. Hobgood Kass
Mr. Hunter Lindsey Kass
Ms. Elizabeth Smith Kastelberg
Ms. Leslie Caroline Atchley Kavanaugh
Mr. Julian Harrison Keevil
Mrs. Elizabeth Clementson Kell
Mrs. Ashley Redford Kelly
Mrs. Kristen Michelle Kent
Ms. Chrystal Nicole King
Dr. Andrew Taylor Kingman
Mr. Brian Andrew Kirby
Ms. Catherine Ann Edmunds Klaus
Ms. Nicole Katherine Klett
Miss Anne Bobiak Kroes
Mr. Aaron Miles Kurman
Mr. Christopher Jordan Kyle
Mrs. Ashley Ann Dodson Lamade
Ms. Erica Denise Lancaster
Mrs. Rebecca Nordin Landis
Ms. Rachael Robinson Langford
Mr. Joseph Daniel Lemire
Ms. Leonora Victor Lesesne
Mrs. Clare Howard McGovern Lewis
My-Tien Ngoc Lewis, PharmD
Mr. David Gabriel Lichtenstein
Ms. Lindsey Rachel Lincoln
Mrs. Sarah Trotter Lindekens
Mrs. Erin R. Liss
Ms. Mary Meadows Livingston
Mr. Michael Joseph Lovinger
Ms. Jennifer Whyte Luke
Mrs. Kareena Balallo Macasaet
Dr. Matthew Ryan Macey
Mrs. Shannon Carnohan Macey
Katherine Anne Malay
Mr. Eric Malpeli
Ms. Katherine Holland Marks
Dr. Jill Waters Marsh
Ms. Katherine Nelson Marsh
Ms. Jenny Wilkes Massanelli
Dr. Cory Daniel Maxwell
Ms. Kelly Lynn Mayer
Mrs. Alexis George McBride
Mr. Andrew Michael McCormick
Ms. Alexis Unkovic McKinley
Ms. Jennifer Hope Melchior
Mr. Brian James Mello
Dr. Matthew Samuel Joaqu Mendez-Zfass
Dr. Virginia Logue Menendez
Ms. Erica Opper Midboe
Mr. Matthew Joseph Mierzejewski
Ms. Leslie Anne Miles
Mr. Charles Anthony Johnathan Miller
Ms. Dawn Michelle Miller
Mrs. Emily Bagby Miller
Mr. Scott Cochran Miller
Ms. Caitlyn Marie Molino
Ms. Shannon Mallory Montague
Mr. Mark Krizan Montandon
Mr. Dennis Joseph Mooney
Ms. Bonny Lauren Moore
Mrs. Sarvenaz Batmanghelidj Moosavi
Mrs. Laura Elizabeth Harris Morgan
Ms. Ashley Marie Morgenthaler
Mr. Scott Daniel Morgenthaler
Ms. Bridget M. Moriarty
Mr. Cameron Dulany Morison
Ms. Amanda Alexis Moy
Mr. Daniel Evan Murphy
Ms. Namita Rajashree Murthy
Mrs. Garland Bonifant Nagy
Mrs. Maria Felisa Carisma Barredo Needham
Ms. Marisa Roseanne Nelson
Ms. Jodi Lynn Neuhauser
Mr. Kevin Thien Nguyen
Mrs. Faith Abar Alejandro Nixon
Mr. Christopher Lawrence Noe
Mr. Otis Nkrumah Ofori
Mrs. Alexandra L. Parker
Mr. Hiroshi Christopher Parker
Mrs. Tracy Challenor Peddicord
Ms. Kelly Danielka Peirson
Mrs. Suzanne Lynn Perry
Ms. Sarah Blackburn Peters Lee
Mrs. Sarah Garrison Physioc
Mrs. Ashby Leigh Pope
Dr. Daniel Jason Potter
Mr. James Andrew Pratt
Ms. Abigail Lutes Ransler Sabri
Ms. Carolina Pinto Ravinskas
Dr. Virginia Jones Reeder
Mrs. Melissa Zarahi Estrada Reese
Mr. Ryan Robert Reese
Ms. Mary Elizabeth Rhodes
Dr. Sabrina Brandon Ricks
Ms. Kathleen Louise DiSanto Rivera
Ms. Julie Viviana Roa
Mr. Christopher John Rodriguez
Mr. Joshua Philip Roffenbender
Mr. Frederick Joseph Ross
Mr. Jonathan Carlos Rouhafzai
Ms. Alexandra Cristina Rubert
Mr. William Andrew Rumford
Dr. Tracy Michelle Rushing
Ms. Heather Lauren Saxby
Mr. Morgan Paul Saxby
Mr. Damien Devin Seale
Ms. Katherine Rose Sheehan Sears
Mr. Robert Vincent Sears
Ms. Christina Downs Setlow
Mr. Daniel Patrick Shean
Ms. Sakeena Salman Siddiqi
Ms. Laura Marie Silverman
Mr. Thomson Lyon Silvers
Ms. Stephanie Camden Simmons
Mr. Peter Ryan Skelly
Mr. Allan Preston Smith
Mrs. Beverly Lane Smith
Mr. Jason Hutchinson Smith
Mr. Michael Vincent Spagnola
Ms. Sara Amber Staley
Ms. Kathryn Eugenia Stanzione
Ms. Jessica Blair Montgomery Stewart
Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Warren Stone
Mrs. Jennifer Lynn Talbott
Ms. Martha Howry Thomas
Mr. Brandon Scott Thompson
Mr. Taylor Warner Tobkes
Ms. Alden Wells Toiv
Mr. Tyler Townsley Tuite
Dr. Meghan Thompson Turner
Mr. William Phillip Umphres
Ms. Elizabeth Tiffany Urschel
Ms. Emily Buford Valentine
Mr. David Franklin Vaughan
Ms. Robin Short Verstraete
Ms. Claire Virginia Voorhees
Ms. Melissa Kostic Wade
Mr. Benjamin Franklin Walter
Mrs. Catherine Leigh Wasko Miller
Mr. Clifton Brent Weaver
B. Cameron Webb, MD, JD
Mr. Peter Samuel Weisz
Ms. Yelin Li Wen
Ms. Ashley Adams White
Ms. Elizabeth Peyten Williams
Mrs. Stacey Lauren Wilson Noell
Mr. Amos Ernest Wilson, Jr.
Mr. Donald Webb Wilson, Sr.
Mr. Samuel West Wilson
Mrs. Christian Randolph Wilton
Mr. Brian Quinn Wohlert
Ms. Caroline Courtney Woods
Ms. Ashleigh Meghan Wright
Mrs. Jennifer Sutherland Zawitz
Mr. Christopher Thomas Zirpoli
McIntire School of Commerce
Ms. Cheryl Marie Carr Atchison
Mr. James Wilbur Atchison
Mr. James Francis Barter, Jr.
Mr. Bruce Ross Bilger, Jr.
Mr. James Mitchell Billingsley
Mr. Eric Patrick Borzino
Mr. Leslie Stafford Bowers
Mr. Frank Tyler Beveridge Brown
Ms. Sarah Brindle Buchanan
Mrs. Lindsay Paige Shively Cooley
Mr. Matthew Allan Davis
Ms. Rachel Monique Davis
Mr. Michael Edward Dawson
Ms. Mary Catherine Dube
Mr. Solomon Nessim Eskinazi
Mrs. Erin Elizabeth Morrison Flynn
Mr. Philip Andrew Giampietro
Mr. David Alan Gutmann
Ms. Summer Kassir Haltli
Mr. John Samuel Hartman II
Ms. Erin Korte Hatten
Mr. Scott Michael Headd
Ms. Jennifer Michelle Berry Henry
Mr. Richard Stephen Henry
Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Hill
Mr. Peter Matthew Holman
Ms. Martha Kellman Hubbard
Ms. Grace Shin Young Im
Mr. Jason Mitchell Jennings
Mr. Frank Joseph Johnson III
Ms. Michelle Amy Keith
Mr. Walton Waits Kingsbery IV
Mrs. Ryan Marie Kokemor
Mr. Anthony Paul Lichiello
Mr. Henry Sprott Long III
Mr. Lawrence Lai Mun Mah
Mr. Debarshi Kumar Mandal
Mr. Matthew Robert McFarland
Mr. Robert Joseph O'Brien III
Mr. Alexis Kerry Ohanian
Ms. Katherine Michelle Overdevest
Mr. Joseph Vinci Peddicord
Mr. Kurtis James Pilecki
Mr. Chaitenya Razdan
Mr. Adam Wesley Rhodes
Mrs. Susan Elizabeth Buckner Rose
Mr. Benjamin Aaron Rosenthal
Ms. Alexandrina A. Sapunova
Mr. Nicholas Reed Shapiro
Mrs. Meredith Tierney Shields
Mrs. Tyler Ann Smith
Mr. Craig Douglas Stevenson
Mr. Charles Calvert Thomas
Mr. George Calvert Thomas
Mr. James Doniphan Thomson
Ms. Katherine Leigh Vanderver
Mr. Andrew Mims Velarde
Mr. Dillon Kyle Walker
Mr. Raymond Clark Walker, Jr.
Mr. Richard Douglas Wampler
Mr. Jacob Stanley Werner
Mrs. Jennifer Lynne Wisdom
Mrs. Jamie Todd Wohlert
Ms. Jing Yu
School of Architecture
Ms. Joanne Marcelle Angeles
Mr. Daniel Lucius Edward Bracey
Mr. Bryan Joseph Eckstein
Ms. Lauren Elizabeth Hackney
Ms. Gabriela Gutowski Hammack
Mr. Justin Ray Hershberger
Mrs. Jessica Lane Inge
Mrs. Lindsay K. Edwards
Mr. Louis John Lopez III
Ms. Marilyn Weaver Moedinger
Ms. Katherine Hay Spicer
Ms. Karen Liu Staubach
Ms. Stephanie Brooke Stein
Mr. Kyle Andrew Sturgeon
Ms. Caroline MacDonald Thompson
Ms. Isabel Ballin Rutherfoord Thornton
School of Continuing & Professional Studies
Ms. Rachel Ann Harrison
Ms. Paula Johnson Keller
School of Education and Human Development
Ms. Shannon Hawrylo Beutler
Mrs. Heather Lauren McKay Byrne
Mr. Christopher Garrett Greenwood
Dr. Leigh-Ann Charity Jones
Mr. Justin Whitfield Markey
Ms. Mia Danielle Woods
School of Engineering and Applied Science
Mr. Christopher William Anderson
Mr. Howard Rabusa Andres
Dr. Thomas Kent Bliss
Ms. Sarah Simnowitz Boice
Mr. Thomas Andrew Boudreau
Ms. Sarah Rose Carlin
Mr. Phillip Michael Chambless, Jr.
Mr. Jong Wu Chan
Mr. Andrew Paul Connors
Mrs. Margo Cooper
Mr. Daniel John Courain IV
Mr. Andrew Stephen Daly
Ms. Patricia Alaine Edmonds
Mr. Nicholas Paul Feakins
Mr. Derek Jay Guthrie
Mr. David Eric Hammack
Jeanette Elizabeth Hankins Hemp, M.D.
Mr. Jack Clark Herndon III
Mr. Ryan Thomas Hooke
Mr. Charles Phillip Hornbostel
Mr. Kevin Edward Hudak
Dr. Kristen Ann Hudak
Dr. Amber Turner Inofuentes
Mr. Marc Eric Johansen
Mr. Charles Rayner Johnson II
Mr. James Black Jones, Jr.
Ms. Rachael Abel Kassebaum
Ms. Jane Sue Kim
Ms. Lydia Pride Koehler
Mr. John Donald Leffler
Mr. Nathan Joseph Lewis
Mr. Christopher Austin Luhrs
Ms. Ngoc Vu Lund
Mr. Michael Angelo Manzi
Mr. James Grafton McGinniss III
Mr. David Christopher Mead
Mr. Shawn Michael Menz
Mr. Per David Midboe
Mr. Peter Macy Milligan
Mr. Eugene Temple Millsap IV
Mr. Dan Vinh Nguyen
Mr. Ernest Griffith Norville
Mr. Nicholas David Osborne
Mr. Justin Alexander Pan
Mr. Andrew David Perreault
Mr. Andy Le Pham
Ms. Abigail Lynn Pittman
Mr. Brent Michael Schavitz
Dr. Matthew David Shancke
Dr. Michael Bennett Simmers
Mr. Neil Furmage Smith
Mr. Thomas Christopher Smith
Mr. Nicholas James Staubach
Mr. Matthew James Torrenzano
Mr. Branch Wistar Trent
Mr. Jonathan Robert Turfboer
Mr. Danylo Andriy Villhauer
Mr. Pavlo Ivan Villhauer
Ms. Luan Thanh Vuong
Mr. Jonathan Tyler Ziefle
School of Nursing
Ms. Nina Marie Carter
Mrs. Andrea Lynn Craine Farwell
Mrs. Lindsey Adkins Koshansky
Mrs. Megan Kinnear Lessig
Mrs. Carey Floyd McDonald
Ms. April Michelle Meadows
Ms. Elizabeth Andrews Bradshaw Mikula
Ms. Katherine Frances Purcell
Mrs. Sarah Riggs Roeske
Mrs. Amy Mattingly Schmidt