
The Marti Snell Scholarship Fund
At UVA’s School of Education and Human Development, Annette Martin Porter (Ed ’78, ’82) found a mentor in pioneering faculty Martha “Marti” Snell. Porter created the Marti Snell Scholarship Fund, which will aid selected students in the Education School’s Department of Curriculum & Instruction and Special Education.
Blue Ridge Scholars Celebrates Ten Years
Bringing the best students to Grounds. The Blue Ridge Scholarship fund was established in 2014 to benefit students with exceptional promise and significant financial need.
It Takes an Academical Village
Basantes is helping others navigate the path to educational and professional achievement through his support of UVA’s Bolívar Network, which connects Hispanic and Latinx students and alumni, mentors undergraduates, and provides scholarships.
“Share It to Me!”
Victoria (Tori) Hobgood (SCPS ’13) and Ben Hobgood believe in sharing, whether that means encouraging their two sons to take turns on the backyard swing or something much, much bigger—sharing the privilege of attending the University of Virginia. The couple’s recent gift, which established the Hobgood Bicentennial Scholars Fund, will support students pursuing their education in the School of Continuing and Professional Studies—the first endowed undergraduate scholarship in the school’s history.
Honor the Future Teachers
With a brand-new master’s degree in education, Linh Luong reflects on what she learned as a student-teacher.
The Marvelous Ms. Wald (Part 3)

Catching up with College alumna and UVA Club board member Amelia Wald in New York City.

Catching up with College alumna and UVA Club board member Amelia Wald in New York City.
On and Off the Court
A UVA alumnus honors his McIntire education, family, and love of sports by supporting scholarships.
Nursing Energy
It’s irresistible. We love our nursing students and their endless enthusiasm.

First-Generation Students at UVA to Benefit from $5M Scholarship Gift
A $5 million grant from the Shelby Cullom Davis Charitable Fund Inc. will bolster the University’s efforts to attract, support and retain a growing number of first-generation college students.
A Tight Connection
Engineering alumni Sid and Jane Rudolph, members of UVA’s three pan-University giving societies, are investing in a new generation of engineers.
All Systems Go
Trailblazer Shavonne Banks Gordon helps others navigate the path to success.