Parent's Fund

Parent's Fund
A Good Fit
Sometimes you just know when a place is the right fit. Anastasia and Sanford Williams got that feeling as soon as they arrived in Charlottesville in 1993. Their memories of moving from New York City as a young married couple with children are still vivid 26 years later.
Parent's Fund
Parents for Health & Wellness
To participate fully in academic and extracurricular life on Grounds, a student must be feeling well. Parents know this, which is why they are taking the lead in funding construction of the new Student Health & Wellness Center.
Parent's Fund
Providing Students Shelter From the Storm

Of the many things that can derail one’s education, financial hardship is among the most unfortunate. Each year, thousands of students across the nation are forced to discontinue their undergraduate studies due to unforeseen circumstances.

Of the many things that can derail one’s education, financial hardship is among the most unfortunate. Each year, thousands of students across the nation are forced to discontinue their undergraduate studies due to unforeseen circumstances.